I have found a bunch of plugins that allow a user to submit a post (including title, body, and email) but I’m not sure if I can do what I want to do here.
Essentially, a form that allows anyone to go to a page and have a form to fill out that also includes all of the custom fields that I’ve specified.
Hi @venn177
You can achieve this by using the acf_form function.
You can learn more about this here:
* http://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/tutorials/creating-a-front-end-form/
* http://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/tutorials/using-acf_form-to-create-a-new-post/
Please note, there is currently no the_title / the_content field types in ACF, so you will need to use a text / WYSIWYG field and then find the $_POST values within the pre_save_post filter.