I’m using ACF PRO & want to call a script by pressing a button at the bottom of my field group.
Is this possible and is there an example?
hello – is anyone there? Bought this plugin (PRO) especially as you seemed to offer support!
Here is an article in the documentation that will help you add custom js code to your fields.
thanks James but that is quite beyond me. I’ve bought ACF pro and really don’t understand out of all of the types, functions and options there isn’t a button option?
Hi @v3nt
If you want to add a button, I believe you can use the acf/render_field hook to add it. You can also use the acf/input/admin_footer to add the script.
If you don’t know how to code, I recommend you hire a developer to help you out with it, and I’d recommend looking for one on https://studio.envato.com/ or https://www.upwork.com/.