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Create a Blog via Rest API

  • Hi

    I tried to create a new blog via API. Here is my json body:

    "type": "dozent",
    "title": {
    "rendered": "Dr.Med. Astrid K\u00fchn \u2013 Letkemann"
    "content": {
    "rendered": ""
    "status": "publish",
    "acf": {
    "title": "Dr.Med.",
    "vorname": "Astrid",
    "nachname": "K\u00fchn \u2013 Letkemann",
    "lebenslauf": "

    • 1999: Abitur Chemnitz<\/li>
    • 2005 - 2006: Studium der Mathematik<\/li>
    • since 2010: Professorin an der Universit\u00e4t Glauchau<\/li><\/ul>",
      "veroeffentlichungen": "

      • 2020: Studie \u00fcber Sportmedizin<\/li><\/ul>"

      Reading blogs worked fine, but creating on I got the following reply:

      "code": "rest_cannot_create",
      "message": "Du bist mit deiner Benutzerrolle leider nicht berechtigt, Beiträge zu erstellen.",
      "data": {
      "status": 401

      How can I fix the problem.

      Thanks in advance

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