Hi there,
Yesterday, trying to change my permalinks using taxonomies, things went sideways quickly! I learned a tough lesson: I can’t just change the URL slug of a CPT nor can I change the Taxonomy Key. I did both 🙁
So now all my CPT archive pages and posts went 404 but the CPT posts (except for one CPT) are still there!!! That’s months of work I’m seeing in trouble and I’m super scared now that I do something to make it worse
I’m a simple website developer, already proud that I even got this far.
The website I’m working on is in staging. Another lesson learned, the usual backup doesn’t apply to the staging website so I lost all posts in this one CPT.
I assume they are lost forever, but I am desperate to know how I can protect my posts besides the usual backup.
Can I export the CPT posts and save them somewhere for them to import again in case a taxonomy breaks for whatever reason? Just to prevent days of work being lost :'(
Also, any advice on how to back up a staging website?
If anyone could help this damsel in stress, I would be very grateful.
Thanks ina advance,