Building some custom ACF blocks, and can’t get the spacing attribute to show in the php template ie frontend.
My block.json looks like:
"supports": {
"align": true,
"spacing": {
"margin": true
I can get the spacing to work in the editor, but nothing is being set in the frontend. I tried in my php template:
$classes .= ' ' . $block['style']['margin'];
$classes .= ' ' . $block['spacing']['margin'];
$classes .= ' ' . $block['spacing'];
$classes .= ' ' . $block['margin'];
but none of them spit out a anything in the frontend.
Any help would be appreciated
Try this:
$classes .= ' ' . $block['style']['spacing']['margin']['top'];
thanks but it is not working.
Having a similar issue where any spacing attributes I try to set via the Gutenberg editor don’t render on the front-end.
if( !empty($block['style']['paddingTop']) ) {$styles .= 'padding-top:' . $block['style']['paddingTop'] . ';';}
Any ideas?
Try this
if( !empty($block['style']['spacing']['padding']) ) {$styles .= 'padding-top:' . $block['style']['spacing']['padding']['top'] . ';';}
Worked a treat! Thank you.