I am working on a simple Logic option, which states, IF this radio is set to YES, show the additional two fields.
Works perfectly, and shows up great on backend and front end.
However, upon changing the Radio value to No, which does hide those additional two fields on backend, the front end values remain in place and never get removed.
The only way to remove them is to remove the values from the conditional fields, then save it with blank values, and then set the Radio to no and save again.
Is this normal, if so that’s fine, just thought when populating the values with default content or new content, they should hide on front end even if NO is set in the Radio conditional logic field.
This is normal. The conditional logic only hides the fields and makes them not required if the field has been set to required. On the front end you need to test the field that sets the yes or no and then only show the values if it is set to yes.