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Conditional logic of my checkbox not working

  • Hi

    As far as I understand ACF’s conditional logic, the following should work.

    I have an ACF Field Group called Product Details, containing many fields including
    i) an IsSold checkbox, with only one option, Yes.
    ii) a Sold Status message field, that will display the text -SOLD- when the IsSold Yes is checked.

    So far so good. This works in my Product interface, where my client will be inputting or modifying the contents. All he needs to do if the item is sold is to check that IsSold Yes, and the Sold Status message appears in the Product interface with -SOLD- in it. And as I need to display the message contents to the site visitor, via Elementor, I have created an Ele template that carries all these fields, with dynamic links to the corresponding ACF fields. But -SOLD- never appears in my Elementor page, in spite of their being a field in the template that calls it, and in spite of the isSold for some products being checked.

    Can someone help me understand what I’ve done wrong here?

    Thanks in advance,
    SH in Switzerland

  • OK, I figured out how to make it work. Instead of a Message field-type I made it a Text field-type instead, and now it works.

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