I am sure a lot of people already though about, but can’t find the request.
The main goal of the hook would be to influence fields that are dependent of a Conditional Logic.
For example:
Field A, Radio buttons
- show Field B
- show Field C
Field B, Checkboxes, only visible when Field A > show Field B is chosen
- Checkbox option B1
- Checkbox option B2
- Checkbox option B3
Field C, Checkboxes, only visible when Field A > show Field C is chosen
- Checkbox option C1
- Checkbox option C2
- Checkbox option C3
With a hook on the conditional hook we could uncheck all checkboxes of the hidden field. At the moment, even if hidden to the user, they stay checked (and active).
In my particular case, fields B & C are custom taxonomies. When saving the post the chosen terms in both fields are registered.