I have a repeater field that creates a “scrolling” gallery. I want to be able to allow each repeater item to have different options, so I added a checkbox to each repeater. One of the values is to add a an image border.
Here is what I’ve been using:
<?php if( in_array( 'border', get_field('blog_style_gallery_options') ) )
echo "border";
The word “border” calls the image class which styles the image with the border.
This entire code works fine if the options are not in the repeater, but AFTER the repeater as a global option… however I want to be able to add image borders to selected images, not all of them at once.
When I use the code in a repeater, I get the following error:
Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument
Is the checkbox just a true/false
field? If so it would be:
if ( get_sub_field('blog_style_gallery_options') ) {
echo "border";
It’s not a true/false field, it’s a checkbox field… because I want to have several options to modify my images (like border, remove link, remove hover effect, etc).
This was solved by ACF Support.
Here is the code if anyone is interested:
$chckbox_value = get_sub_field('blog_style_gallery_options');
if( $chckbox_value && in_array( 'border', get_sub_field('blog_style_gallery_options') ) )
echo "border test";