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Complex taxonomy query

  • Hi all!!

    May be you can help me on this.
    I have a custom post type ‘promotional_products’ with the title, content and thumbnail enabled.

    I created new repeatable acf and location is set to the multiple Taxonomy terms. These are custom taxonomies like – Ingredients, Food type, Events, Diets etc.

    The purpose to this is to link Promotional posts like drinks or juice, for example, to to certain reciepe ingredients.

    Lets imagine, I want to add the wine to all italian food type and food with pasta as ingredient. So I open the Taxonomy term Pasta from taxonomy edit page, add the relational posts of wine (repeater for unlimitness), Save and….

    …. I cannot figure out, how to display them on single post.

    Get the terms for this posts and find out, which terms has attached promotional posts.

    What do you think?

  • Assuming that you’ve either found a solution by now or moved on this is for anyone else the is looking for similar information. There are examples of querying posts by repeater sub fields here and here using different methods.

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