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Compatibility with Wp Front Pro OR ACF frontend user publishing plugin

  • I want to use WP User Front Pro to allow a small community of contributors to publish posts from the front end of my website. My wildest dream at this moment is to have ACF forms appear on a page that I designate, or preferably via shortcode, that allow me to customize the post creation process. Ideally, this would be a new feature for ACF–robust, front end publishing. My clients would absolutely LOVE this feature. We’d be willing to pay for this as an additional feature.

    Right now, there isn’t any way to get this kind of functionality by using both ACF and WP User Frontend Pro.

  • Hey @sleneau,

    My staff and I have developed a Plugin that does this exactly. We’ve not publicly released it yet but in December we plan to. However, we could use some beta testers so if you’d like a copy I’d be happy to send you one if you are interested. Just send an email to support at our domain (

  • Hey @The Portland Company. might I also get your plugin for beta testing? I’m building a community website and best-case solution for me would be to have a way of displaying ACF repeater fields within an existing Front-end publishing plugin. This would really be a deal-breaker. Let me know, thanks.

  • Hi, I went to your website and couldn’t find any email or contact form to sign up for the Beta testing of the plugin you describe: Please advise how I can also become a Beta tester. Thanks!

  • Hey everyone, sorry I didn’t get a notification about these replies! Send an email to Spencer Hill (you know the symbol) The Portland Company .com and I’ll get one over to you!

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