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Compatibility with Page Builder plugin

  • Would it be possible to add compatibility to ACF to work with this plugin? Page Builder ( This plugin allows a user to build flexible page layouts using widgets to generate content.

    Currently, if I use ACF to add some fields to a custom widget, the fields are correctly rendered within the Appearance -> Widgets screen, but the fields do not render when adding a widget to a page created with Page Builder.

    Combining the power of these plugins would create ultimate flexibility and a great user experience for content creators.

  • +1

    I currently use both Site Origin’s Page Builder plus Beaver Builder to offer front-end editing capabilities in WP. I’m building my own widgets at the moment but encountering the same issues as Chris when trying to use ACF fields with these widget-driven Page Builder’s.

    To be able to hook into the ACF elements so that users could edit everything directly through one of these page builder’s would be such a great addition to what is already such a powerful tool! Really hope this is something that can be considered and added in a future release.

    Thanks for such a great plugin!

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