Hey guys, I’m trying to compare ACF inserted date with actual date, but no success. Any ideas on how to do this?
Below code doesn’t work:
$date = get_field(‘data_de_entrega’);
$now = new DateTime();
if($date < $now) {
echo ‘date is in the past’
In order to compare them this way you need to convert the field to a unix time value. The return value of the field needs to be in a format that will be recognized by strtotime()
see http://php.net/manual/en/function.strtotime.php
and http://php.net/manual/en/datetime.formats.php
$time = strtotime(get_field('date_field_name'));
$now = time();
if ($time < $now) {
// .....
Also, new DateTime()
creates a date/time object which cannot be compared to a string. It may be possible to use this object but it will take a lot more code to extract the string you want from it. I can’t help you with that because I personally use the simpler functions for dates and time rather than using this object.
Try this:
$tempArr=explode(‘_’, ’31_12_11′);
$date2 = date(“d/m/y”, mktime(0, 0, 0, $tempArr[1], $tempArr[0], $tempArr[2]));
You can then perform the strtotime() method to get the difference.