I have a need where I need to use a custom field (dropdown) on both the User Profile (as a usermeta) and on Custom Post Type (as a custom field). Essentially assigning a user with a value from that field and when creating a new Post, I would assign a value from the same list. So that I can build a query on the front-end to pull the Posts that match the usermeta value of the person logging in. How would this be accomplished with ACF? I found the Username field type, but that may not work, as I need to use this custom usermeta field. Basically it is a field called “Company” and I want to associate Posts to a Company so that when users login from that Company I would just display their Posts.
Thanks in advance,
You can create a field of any kind.. since you want a dropdown select that one and insert your values. Then in location rules you can first add it to posts and then add a second location rule set to users.. make sure the locationrules are set to any and not all.
Thanks Jonathan, that solution will work for us.