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combine radio field with checkbox

  • Hello,
    I would like to add a radio field followed by a checkbox.
    I want this feature in order to mark the correct answer.
    Willing to listen to any other proposals.

    Thank you,

  • I know this is an extremely old topic and I’m assuming that you’ve either found a solution or moved on. I just thought I’d post my thoughts for others that happen on this topic looking for a similar solution.

    I would create a true/false field following each question and I would create an acf/load_field filter that would set the readonly and disabled attibutes of the fields depending on the status of the user.

    All of the code is not here, this is just a rough outline.

    add_filter('acf/load_field/type=true_false', 'acf_disable_readonly');
    function acf_disable_readonly($field) {
      $key = $field['key'];
      $name = $field['name'];
      // check wither the key or name against
      // a list of fields that you want to change
      if (!$one_of_your_fieldd) {
        return $field;
      // then get the current user information
      // and test this against who should be able
      // to modify it
      if (!$allowed_to_modify) {
        $field['readonly'] = 1;
        $field['disabled'] = 1;
        // as a bonus, hide the field using
        // conditional logic that can never be true
        $field['conditional_logic'] = array(
            // add two possible values that can never happen at the same time
              'field' => 'field_doesnotexist',
                             // or any field key
                             // i'm not sure what will happen
                             // if the field does not exist
              'operator' => '==',
              'value' => 0
              'field' => 'field_doesnotexist',
                             // or any field key
                             // i'm not sure what will happen
                             // if the field does not exist
              'operator' => '==',
              'value' => 1
        ); // end conditional logic
      return $field;
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