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Collapsed Field Groups as Default

  • Hi, I couldn’t find this anywhere.

    Is there a way to collapse field groups as the default? Feel like this should be an option when creating groups.

    It can be confusing for a user when presented with a long list of custom fields on a small screen.

    Thanks for any help with this!

  • Sorry @manonatelier, Im not exactly sure where you are talking about?

    When you go to make a new post with custom fields? or when you are designing your fields? or some other time?


  • Sorry! I hope this makes it clearer.

    I’m talking about the “Standard WP Metabox”.

    Is there a way to have it collapsed (folded up – and all fields in the field group hidden) as a default, instead of expanded (all fields showing in that field group) in the control panel whenever a user goes to the page edit, post edit, or options edit screens?

  • Hi @manonatelier,

    Thanks for the clarification. I do not believe this is possible. I will raise a feature request for Elliot to take a look at for you.

    Thanks for your patience. 🙂

  • Ok, thanks! When you guys have figured it out, can you send me word? Thank you again!

  • +1

    I would LOVE this feature! I have a page with a ton of field groups, which makes for a very intimidating user experience. I’d prefer that the meta boxes start collapsed, so they can choose to expand the boxes they wish to edit.


    In case anyone stumbles across this, I found an interim solution using javascript. Install this plugin:

    And then, on the plugin settings page, in the “JQuery” box, paste this code:


    You may want to edit the .acf_postbox to be more specific, but this will collapse ALL acf meta boxes on page load.

  • It can be solved without plugin.

    add_action('acf/input/admin_head', 'my_acf_input_admin_head');
    function my_acf_input_admin_head() {
    <script type="text/javascript">
  • Only this worked for me for ACF 5.4

    function my_acf_admin_head() {
        <script type="text/javascript">
    add_action('acf/input/admin_head', 'my_acf_admin_head');
  • I know this is a super old thread, but thought I would share my improvements to the solution above.

    – I’m hiding the content with CSS at first to prevent page jump and them being momentarily visible while the page loads. This CSS is then removed once JS has been applied.
    – Just adding the -collapsedclass to .layout was making other elements on the page (like metaboxes) also collapse.

        function ACF_flexible_content_collapse() {
            <style id="acf-flexible-content-collapse">.acf-flexible-content .acf-fields { display: none; }</style>
            <script type="text/javascript">
                jQuery(function($) {
                    $('.acf-flexible-content .layout').addClass('-collapsed');
        add_action('acf/input/admin_head', 'ACF_flexible_content_collapse');
  • Goksel, your worked perfectly for me. Thanks Goksel

  • @louiswalch – many thanks for this approach. Have updated to only auto-collapse repeaters in the admin area (working in ACF Pro – version 5.6.10)

    function rdsn_acf_repeater_collapse() {
    <style id="rdsn-acf-repeater-collapse">.acf-repeater .acf-table {display:none;}</style>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    	jQuery(function($) {
    		$('.acf-repeater .acf-row').addClass('-collapsed');
    add_action('acf/input/admin_head', 'rdsn_acf_repeater_collapse');
  • Find the includes/admin/views/field-group-options.php file
    Open it
    Find in code

    	'label'			=> __('Style','acf'),
    	'instructions'	=> '',
    	'type'			=> 'select',
    	'name'			=> 'style',
    	'prefix'		=> 'acf_field_group',
    	'value'			=> $field_group['style'],
    	'choices' 		=> array(
    		'default'			=>	__("Standard (WP metabox)",'acf'),
    		'seamless'			=>	__("Seamless (no metabox)",'acf'),

    after line
    ‘seamless’ => __(“Seamless (no metabox)”,’acf’)

    add new line
    ‘default closed’ => __(“Standard Collapsed”,’acf’)


    	'label'			=> __('Style','acf'),
    	'instructions'	=> '',
    	'type'			=> 'select',
    	'name'			=> 'style',
    	'prefix'		=> 'acf_field_group',
    	'value'			=> $field_group['style'],
    	'choices' 		=> array(
    		'default'			=>	__("Standard (WP metabox)",'acf'),
    		'seamless'			=>	__("Seamless (no metabox)",'acf'),
                   'default closed'		=>	__("Standard Collapsed",'acf'),

    Go to settings for any group field
    Open “Style” list box
    Select “Standard Collapsed”

    Have a fun

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