Running latest betas of WordPress and ACF.
Clone fields are not working in Gutenberg blocks.
They don’t save and they don’t display.
Well, it depends.
If they display, a JSON array is rendered in the field.
Easy to reproduce.
I have found this problem as well. With Flexible Content fields, only the first row you add will render in the Gutenberg preview and on the output page. It will save the other rows though. They just don’t display.
I’m using the loop from the documentation:
if ( have_rows('flex_content') ) :
// Loop through the rows of the Flexible Content field
while ( have_rows('flex_content') ) : the_row();
if ( get_row_layout() == 'flex_content_1' ) :
elseif ( get_row_layout() == 'flex_content_2' ) :
elseif ( get_row_layout() == 'flex_content_3' ) :