Hello, I have a group of fields with the following structure
Repeater > Group > Group > Clone
The Clone control calls all the controls of a group of TimePicker controls. The latter is displayed well in front but does not display the TimePicker selection operator and does not save the value in the back office.
If I change the value directly to bo and refresh the front then the it displays the select operator.
Do you know why ? I use the latest version of ACF Pro as well as WordPress.
Has anyone faced this problem before? It’s really blocking. Thanks
The Clone control calls all the controls of a group of TimePicker controls.
What type of fields are in this group and which are not working?
Sorry for clic on “reply for solution”..
There is a text field and 4 timepicker fields.
When clicking in the field, the time selection does not appear.
If I modify the fields in bo and I return to the front, then it appears.
What are your display settings for the repeater and group fields?
I realize that if my field is a clone-only type, it works.
If I put clone as a subfield of a “repeater” type, it does not display the timepicker