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Checking current logged in user against acf user multiselect field

  • Hi All,

    I have a repeater field with a user field(multiselect). What I wan’t to do is get the current logged in user and display a download button if that user has been selected in the backed. Maybe I’m going about this the wrong way can anyone help. All that is outputted is ‘Not logged in’


    						global $current_user;
    				      	$student_username = $current_user->user_login;
    						if( have_rows('course_modules') ):
    						while ( have_rows('course_modules') ) : the_row(); ?>
    							<div class="module_container">
    								<div class="module_col">
    									<h3><?php the_sub_field('module_title'); ?></h3>
    									<?php $values = get_sub_field('student_availability' );
    									// echo var_dump($values);
    									if (in_array($student_username, $value['nickname'])){ ?>
    										<a href="<?php the_sub_field('module_download'); ?>">
    											<button class="download_btn">
    												<span><i class="fa fa-cloud-download"></i>Download Module</span>
    									<?php } else {
    										echo 'Not logged in';
    									} ?>
    								<div class="module_col">
    									<?php the_sub_field('module_details'); ?>
    						<?php endwhile; else : endif; ?>
  • My first thought is that this would probably work if it weren’t a multiselect. It being a multiselect means that $value will be outputting an array of users. You’ll need to stick a foreach loop in there to confirm, something like:

    <div class="module_col">
    		<h3><?php the_sub_field('module_title'); ?></h3>
    		// Get List of students to check for eligibility
    		$students_list = get_sub_field('student_availability' );
    		// Set the default state to false, to be changed later
    		$student_authorised = false;
    		// Loop through students_list to check if user is allowed access
    		foreach( $students_list as $student ) :
    			// If user is in the list, set student_authorised to true and break out of loop
    			//(no need to loop through everybody if they're the first user)
    			if( in_array( $student_username, $student['nickname'] ) )
    				$student_authorised = true;
    		// If student is in the list, show download link
    		if ( $student_authorised ) : ?>
    			<a href="<?php the_sub_field('module_download'); ?>">
    				<button class="download_btn">
    					<span><i class="fa fa-cloud-download"></i>Download Module</span>
    		// if student not in list, show authentication error
    		else : echo 'Not logged in'; endif; ?>
  • Hey @walkers_inspiration

    Just a minor tweak to @imaginedd solution. You need to do a proper wrap of the if statement since you both assign a value and break the foreach loop. Otherwise the foreach will always break on first iteration.

    <div class="module_col">
    	<h3><?php the_sub_field('module_title'); ?></h3>
    	// Get List of students to check for eligibility
    	$students_list = get_sub_field('student_availability' );
    	// Set the default state to false, to be changed later
    	$student_authorised = false;
    	// Loop through students_list to check if user is allowed access
    	foreach( $students_list as $student ) :
    		// If user is in the list, set student_authorised to true and break out of loop
    		//(no need to loop through everybody if they're the first user)
    		if( in_array( $student_username, $student['nickname'] ) ){
    			$student_authorised = true;
    	// If student is in the list, show download link
    	if ( $student_authorised ) : ?>
    		<a href="<?php the_sub_field('module_download'); ?>">
    			<button class="download_btn">
    				<span><i class="fa fa-cloud-download"></i>Download Module</span>
    	// if student not in list, show authentication error
    	else : echo 'Not logged in'; endif; ?>

    A different solution would be to fetch the ID of the current user instead and fetch the acf value unformatted. This is a bit more straight forward 🙂

    <?php $current_user_id = get_current_user_id(); ?>
    <?php if( have_rows('course_modules') ): ?>
    	<?php while ( have_rows('course_modules') ) : the_row(); ?>
    		<div class="module_container">
    			<div class="module_col">
    				<h3><?php the_sub_field('module_title'); ?></h3>
    				<?php $allowed_user_ids = get_sub_field('student_availability', false ); ?>
    				<?php if ( in_array( $current_user_id, $allowed_user_ids ) ): ?>
    					<a href="<?php the_sub_field('module_download'); ?>">
    						<button class="download_btn"><span><i class="fa fa-cloud-download"></i>Download Module</span></button>
    				<?php else : ?>
    					<p><?php _e('You\'re not allowed to download this module'); ?></p>
    				<?php endif; ?>
    			<div class="module_col">
    				<?php the_sub_field('module_details'); ?>
    	<?php endwhile; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
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