I’m trying to display checkboxes fields with label and values. It’s checkbox from repeater.
I tried with “get_sub_field_object”. This is my code:
if( have_rows('patrick', 'user_2') ):
while ( have_rows('patrick', 'user_2') ) : the_row();
// vars
$interventions = get_sub_field_object('interventions');
$value = $interventions['value']; // values
$label = $interventions['label']; // labels
foreach ($interventions as $intervention):
<div class="blockLien">
<span class="cercle colo<?php echo $label; ?>"><span class="<?php echo $label; ?>-icon"></span></span>
<a href="" class="coloTxt<?php echo $label; ?> <?php echo $label; ?>">
<span class="color-<?php echo $label; ?>"><?php echo $value; ?></span>
endif; ?>
But this is displaying “Array” repeating in infinite loop (I just have 4 elements maximum)