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Check box values from gravity form not stored in ACF check box

  • I have a checkbox field with field label “Contributions” in gravity form and an ACF custom field with label “Contributions”. A gravity form is created for user registration. The data entered is used to populate the profile by using the gravity form User Registration Feeds.

    There is no issue for the text fields. But if it is a check box field in gravity form, the values selected are not captured in the user’s profile. Single value selected is in the user’s profile but not for multiple values.

    How do I get the multiple selected values from gravity form to ACF?


  • Here how to do it :

    The scope of this example is limited to form id 1 and field id 18, you need to update these values to apply to your own form and field.
    Replace my_custom_field_key with your custom field meta key

    add_filter( 'gform_advancedpostcreation_post_after_creation_1', 'apc_serialize_checkboxes', 10, 4 );
    function apc_serialize_checkboxes( $post_id, $feed, $entry, $form ) {
        // Checkboxes field id.
        $field_id = 18;
        // Get field object.
        $field = GFAPI::get_field( $form, $field_id );
        if ( $field->type == 'checkbox' ) {
            // Get a comma separated list of checkboxes checked
            $checked = $field->get_value_export( $entry );
            // Convert to array.
            $values = explode( ', ', $checked );
        // Replace my_custom_field_key with your custom field meta key.
        update_post_meta( $post_id, 'my_custom_field_key', $values );
  • When using @franckcode’s code above it would be better to use the acf function update_field() and to use the field key

    update_field($field_key, $values, $post_id);
  • I’d like to chime in on this, as I just had this same issue and used a slightly different code to resolve it. We are using GF to create a custom post type (with the help of “Gravity Forms + Custom Post Types” plugin by Gravity Wiz) with several custom fields that are multiple checkboxes. The code posted above did NOT work for me, nor did the code provided directly by Gravity Forms here

    We had to change a couple of important things to get this to work. First, rather than add_filter we changed that to add_action since in their documentation, gform_after_create_post is an action

    Second, we changed the post type that you test for to ‘post_custom_field’ — I suspect this might be because we’re using Gravity Forms + Custom Post Types which helps to map the checkboxes to the ACF custom field.

    So here is what we ended up with that DID work (maybe someone else will be helped by this)

    add_action( 'gform_after_create_post_3', 'gf_post_acf_checkboxes', 10, 3 );
    function gf_post_acf_checkboxes( $post_id, $entry, $form ) {
        // Checkboxes field id. Change this value to your field id number.
        $field_id = 18;
        // Get field object.
        $field = GFAPI::get_field( $form, $field_id );
        if ( $field->type == 'post_custom_field' ) {
            // Get a comma separated list of checkboxes checked
            $checked = $field->get_value_export( $entry );
            // Convert to array.
            $values = explode( ', ', $checked );
        // Replace my_custom_field_key with your custom field meta key.
        update_post_meta( $post_id, 'products', $values );
  • Any chance we could get an example of Franck’s code but for multiple fields? We have 3 checkbox fields on our form that need to be serialized rather than just one…

  • Yes, I need a solution here too. It would be great if someone could show a solution for this. Thanks in advance!

  • Thank you for your quick solution, but unfortunately it doesn’t work. I tested it in various ways. In addition, there is no need for a new approach here, just an example of a mapping of multiple checkboxes from Gravity to ACF like in Franck’s code above, which works wonderfully.

    I have 9 multiple checkbox fields in Gravity that I want to map to 9 multiple checkbox fields in ACF. If anyone could help with this, that would be great! 😊

  • Hi there! It seems like you’re encountering an issue with capturing multiple selected values from a checkbox field in Gravity Form to ACF. For text fields, everything works fine, but with checkboxes, only the single value selected is showing up in the user’s profile. How can I make sure that multiple selected checkbox values are also captured in the user’s ACF profile? Thanks!

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