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Changing image URL to Attachment Page URL

  • I have galleries on my website and the link to the larger image currently takes you to the image URL. I would like to change this so that it links to the Media Attachment page?

    This is what I currently have:

    $images = get_field('photos');
    if( $images ): ?>
    <div id="gallery">
            <?php foreach( $images as $image ): ?>
    <a class="tooltip" href="<?php echo $image['url']; ?>">
    	<img src="<?php echo $image['sizes']['medium']; ?>" alt="<?php echo $image['alt']; ?>" /> 
            <?php endforeach; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    Many thanks if someone can suggest what I should change this to so that the links point to the media attachment page.

  • Hi @kandb

    Consider using get_attachment_link(...) which returns the URI of the attachment field. Use the following code:


    Change your code to the following:

    $images = get_field('photos');
    if( $images ): ?>
    <div id="gallery">
            <?php foreach( $images as $image ): ?>
    <a class="tooltip" href="<?php echo get_attachment_link($image['ID']); ?>">
    	<img src="<?php echo $image['sizes']['medium']; ?>" alt="<?php echo $image['alt']; ?>" /> 
            <?php endforeach; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
  • Thank you so much, James! That fixed things perfectly. 🙂

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