With the new GDPR law you have to give users an option wich cookies they want to be placed or not.
Youtube will place multiple marketing cookies when you embed a video. There is a way to avoid this. When you change the URL to “youtube-nocookie.com” it wont place a cookie.
Is there a way to change the source “youtube.com” to “youtube-nocookie.com” with the advanced custom field oEmbed?
Hi @precies
You can try this function to filter out the output: https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/acf-render_field/
This will allow you to replace the youtube.com string with the youtube-nocookie.com string. If you haven’t done that before, just look up “string replace php”
Hello @nathanaelphilip
I don’t really see how you can do it with the string replace php. Could you please help me on this matter?
Hey, did you find a solution for this?
<?php echo str_replace('https://www.youtube.com/embed', 'https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed', get_field('my_video')); ?>
Does not work for me. Not sure why this would be on render of the input (?) and not use update_value. I’ve posted as a separate question in General.
Putting something like this in the template is the best I could come up with:
$iframe = get_field('video');
$iframe = str_replace('youtube.com/embed/', 'youtube-nocookie.com/embed/', $iframe);
<div class="minus6db-video"><?php echo $iframe ?></div>