I would like to programatically change the Message field’s “message”.
I can get the array with get_field_object(‘eta’), and the value I would like to change is the array’s [message] => Here I am
How would I go about to do that?
I am not 100% sure that you can change the message. The best chance of doing this would probably be the acf/prepare_field filter https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/acf-prepare_field/
Hi, John,
I solved it with a text field and some css magic, thanks!
Hi, care to share your CSS Magic?
You put me on the spot there, it was years ago. But what I remember is that I just added a text input field that can get a value from that database. Then I just made the input field “flat” with css to make it look just like text. Eg take away all the borders colors and what not, it was still an input field that was change on a each save in the data base automatically so if anyone changed it, it wouldn’t have matter. Never think anyone even have tried as you can’t see it is an input field.
Hope’s it give you some ideas@