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Change field's value before saving in db. Options page.

  • Hello,

    I’ve looked for the answer to the question in the title for last several hours testing various replies but none of them actually worked.

    What I want to achieve
    apply formatting to wysiwyg field BEFORE it is saved using this simple function:

    function escape_chbx_input() {
    	if( isset($_POST['acf']['my_wysiwyg_key']) ) {
    		custom_php_function( $_POST['acf']['my_wysiwyg_key'] );

    What have I done so far
    I have found two hooks that could probably work here but apparently none of them did:

    add_filter( 'acf/save_post', 'escape_chbx_input', 5);
    add_filter( 'acf/save_post', 'escape_chbx_input', 15);

    add_filter( 'acf/update_value/key=my_wysiwyg_key', 'escape_chbx_input', 15);

    Can you help me out here?
    Thank you!

  • I actually used WP’s native update_option in the hook acf/save_post.
    And that worked.

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