I’m looking for a solution regarding the featured images for categories.
I created a field named category_image. It appears in the backend of the categories, but I don’t know what to do, to make it visible when sending a social media link of my plain website (my home site is a category) or a specific category.
I searched google for help in coding, but it didn’t work out.
Can anyone help me with this issue?
Thank you so much in advance
Are you using any SEO plugin that add SM SEO to posts and pages?
If you are then your best option is to create filters if the plugin provides them for altering this information if the plugins provides the hooks for it.
If you are not then you’ll need to output this information yourself. I would look at one of the popular SEO plugins and see what they are outputting on the page for SM and use that as a guide and a place to start looking into what needs to be done.
Hi John,
thank you for your reply.
Yes I’m using Yoast SEO at the moment, but the social media setting is just for pro users. So I can’t try out and have a look, what they would code for categories.
I’m a little bit stuck at the moment :-/
Do you have any other idea?
They do provide hooks that allow you to filter output, I can no longer find the documentation. You’d probably need to search their code to find the right hooks to use.