i want categorize by month with date picker
for exapmle:
-Months select-
jan ===-click-====>(show All post of january, and hide the other post.)
feb *
mar *
etc.. *
————— *
<post of january only>
of course, according only of datepicker value in the custom post type,
some idea?
if (isset($_GET['month'])):
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'any',
'meta_query' => array(
'key' => 'YourAcfDateFieldKey',
'value' => $_GET['month'],
'compare' => 'LIKE'
$myposts = get_posts($args);
try something like that
is good, but no get the variable month in the the datepicker, i’ve tried print the
value whit echo but no display the array of months, and i’ve tried a assign a url in the event page to the single:
but is not enough
my code was just for example, you can add event listener onchange to your datepicker so when it will change pass to url with get parameter and modify the WP_Query object acording the request
I’m not really sure what you trying to do, so just offering methods
also you can load all post into page and then sort em using jQuery using datepicker as sorting data provider for example