I’ve updated your plugin and wordpress to the latest versions. I received an alert stating that I needed to update the database. I did that. Now when I enter text into a custom field on a page I can’t update the content of the page. It errors out saying “updated failed”. Any idea how to fix this?
As an update, I have discovered that the content on the page actually updates, but I still receive an alert that it is not updating.
I switched to the classic editor in wordpress and that seems to have solved the problem. No more updating error.
Ack.. nvr mind.. I see now that it’s the ‘update a page/post’ that is failing for you.. not the update.. please ignore.
Hmmm, which classic editor plugin? https://wordpress.org/plugins/classic-editor/ ?
I tried that but still get the error when trying to upgrade from 5.7.10 to 5.7.13..