I’m trying to create a File field that I want to use to upload .usdz files. These files are AR files that’s readable by Safari on iOS 12 to show AR 3D models. However, it seems like I can’t select the USDZ file when trying to upload it. It’s just grayed out.
Any idea on how to work around this? I’ve tried to write usdz
as the acceptable file type, but that makes no difference.
Actually, this isn’t an ACF issue. You need to add this file type to the list of WordPress mime types which are allowed for upload. You can find the default allowed types here : https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/get_allowed_mime_types
To add your own to the list, you can take a look at this tutorial : https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-add-additional-file-types-to-be-uploaded-in-wordpress/
Yes, I just realised this after posting the question. Thank you! 🙂