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Can't read option-field before saving

  • With the data entered on the option page, I want to automatically insert a new message (wp_insert_post) with this data. To do this, the customer must select a Radio Button (yes/no). I am trying to read that RadioButton but it does not succeed.
    Someone who has counsel?

    (The Radiobutton ID: ‘new’ and the fieldname: ‘new_message’)

    function make_weatherpost($post_id) {
    //if( empty($_POST[‘acf’]) ) {
    // return;
    // Check the values sent.
    echo ‘Show the data: ‘ . $_POST[‘acf’][‘new’];
    $values = $_POST[‘acf’][‘new’];
    echo $values[‘value’] . ‘ – ‘ . $values[‘label’] . ‘ – ‘ . $values;
    if ($values == ‘Ja’) {
    echo “TRUE ” . $values[‘value’] . $values[‘label’] . $values;
    } else {
    echo “FALSE ” . $values[‘value’] . $values[‘label’] . $values;
    add_action(‘acf/save_post’, ‘make_weatherpost’, 5);

  • Solved it an other way 😉
    I inserted the data from the options page as a new post.

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