Guys, I’m struggling with problem about getting values from option pages. I’ve created two Option pages in functions.php
$languages = array( 'en', 'de' );
foreach ( $languages as $lang ) {
acf_add_options_page( array(
'page_title' => 'Site Options (' . strtoupper( $lang ) . ')',
'menu_title' => __('Site Options (' . strtoupper( $lang ) . ')', 'text-domain'),
'menu_slug' => "site-options-${lang}",
'post_id' => "options_${lang}"
) );
This works fine, I’ve created fields for both options pages but I can’t get any value with following code:
print_r(get_field( 'announcement', 'options_en' ));
I can’t get value from any Option page if “post_id” is not “options”.
Have someone faced same problem?
May I ask how you solved this? Having the same issue. I can retrieve basic text fields but Post Object fields I can’t retrieve.
@mitchellau you should probably start a new topic. I doubt that your problem and the OP’s are the same. My suspicion is that the OP’s issue was here
'menu_slug' => "site-options-${lang}",
'post_id' => "options_${lang}"
should be
'menu_slug' => "site-options-{$lang}",
'post_id' => "options_{$lang}"