I inherited support for a blog that was set up by another developer. They used ACF to create custom fields and a group and probably CPT UI to register the CPT. I have been banging my head against the wall trying to find the “template” that generates the CPT edit/create screen and displays the CPT for users. I am using Elementor Pro and there is ACF already installed as well as CPT UI on the blog. Could it be that the developer created the field group in ACF pro and now I can’t edit/access the template without an ACF pro license? I can find the PHP file for this CPT, and edit some of the static text that surrounds the custom fields, but not really knowing PHP, I want to use elementor to style and edit any changes in the static text on the CPT. The CPT is not registered and doesn’t show up in CPT UI. The field group shows up in ACF, but that doesn’t help me edit it. Trying my best to help a friend with their site but struggling. Any assistance or suggestions you have are greatly appreciated!!
If the site was created using ACF and the templates created by writing code to show those fields then you will not be able to use elemetor to alter those templates without completely rebuilding the site.
It is possible that the developer used CPT UI to create post types and then moved the CPT creation to code to improve performance. The same goes for the ACF field groups. However, I cannot say this is the case by reading your description.
The ACF Pro license only deals with updates. The version you are using will be completely functional without a valid license entered.
It could be that the developer hid the ACF admin so that the client could not mess with things https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/how-to-hide-acf-menu-from-clients/