Hello guys.
I’m wordpress developer.
ACF is very good plugin.
But, I’m making search friendly QnA Website with WordPress.
So I will make custom table ( like, wp_my_question_meta ), and insert many datas related with the question.
As you know, ACF save a data to wp_postmeta table.
So, I want to use ACF just as a Input/Select/Radio/… Builder and save the data(input value) into my custom table.
Is this OK(easily customizable) ? or ACF is used only with wp_postmeta ?
This has been asked many times. This is not something that ACF can do by itself https://support.advancedcustomfields.com/forums/topic/custom-database-table/
There is a plugin, but it does not work with repeaters (including groups, flex fields and clones) https://hookturn.io/downloads/acf-custom-database-tables/