I have a gallery field named “my_gallery” with images min_width/max_width 2250px and min_height/max_height 1070px (only images 2250 x 1070px are accepted). If I open the first modal, everthing is fine.
Then I have an image field called “image_mobile” that accepts images only 1200 x 1200 px
If I try to choose this “image_mobile”, another modal opens up, everything seems fine, I can only choose images that are 1200 x 1200px.
After choosing this “mobile_image”, the second modal closes, and the first original modal (“my_gallery”) reappears. The problem is that the validation is no longer valid. It seems to keep the 1200 x 1200px restriction of the “image_mobile” modal.
Here you see that i cannot longer select the correct images ( images 2250 x 1070px are accepted should be accepted in this first modal “my_gallery” – the one selected in the screenshot is 2250 x 1070px )
I’m using ACF Pro v5.10.2 in WordPress 5.7.2
Just want to make sure that I understand.
You have a gallery field on a post. You open this to add to the gallery.
When selecting the gallery image there is different field that is available while selecting the gallery image to select another image.
All I can do is confirm that what you are seeing is the same thing that happens for me and tell you to submit a bug report here https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/contact/, it might be looked at faster
Hey @ado-mic,
Could you confirm your ACF version where this is happening? Could you also record a screencast of the issue happening, as I’m not able to reproduce on the latest version on ACF.
We did make some changes in ACF 5.10 around media library errors to fix this in some cases, so it’s possible your issue is already resolved.