since the newest Gutenberg Update, my ACF blocks are not shown correctly.
I’m using the relationship field to select subpages which I want to be displayed as preview tiles on the page.
1. I load the edit-mode of a page. The custom blocks are not shown, there is just emptiness at the space where they should be.
2. I can find the block, by hovering the space where they should be and select them. I can then click on preview mode and they show up.
3. I can then click on edit-mode and they show up in edit mode as they should be.
The problem is, that nothing shows up at default mode when entering the edit page.
Gutenberg 4.4.0
ACF Version 5.8.0-beta2
WP 4.9.8
I do have exactly the same issues. Any solutions for this?
(WP 5.2.1, ACF 5.8.0)