Hello everyone,
I have not developed for WP for quite a while and I see that blocks continue to make their way forward. I had always used ACF in the past and now I have a new WP project… so here I am again.
I have a few questions that are perhaps less about code, but more about best practices:
– Are rendered blocks in the admin supposed to be exactly the same as what the front-end would render? It seems to me that some blocks are rather complex for the admin – eg. full window slider.
– Is there a way to render an admin version of a block vs a front-end version? Both versions would be similar but perhaps the admin version simpler with less functionality? I guess I could loop through each block and load a different template based on the blockName, or maybe in the block template, I could check for some var?
I see that I can mix blocks and metaboxes, but that it looks a bit messy with Gutenberg on – are most ACF users disabling Gutenberg? If so, what’s a good way to manage what pages have Gutenberg enabled/disabeld? I don’t see an option in ACF to hide it.
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