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$block > [margin] returns string(21) “var:preset|spacing|80”

  • This is with the Gutenberg plugin installed the new feature allows presets for Margins.
    [“spacing”]=> array(1) { [“margin”]=> array(2) { [“top”]=> string(21) “var:preset|spacing|80” [“bottom”]=> string(21) “var:preset|spacing|80”

    The margin currently returns a string that is 21 characters and in a fun format. I can make a filter or check the variable for just numbers and so on. My question isn’t how I can get what I need from the string…

    My question is, is this going to be changing once that preset goes live for Gutenberg to all websites and does ACF have a better way of handling it in the pipeline?

    I do have ACF Pro.
    I am using Blocks so it returns the $block variable.
    This is specifically found when block.json has

    "supports": {
       "spacing": {
          "margin": true

    So the margin is set to True and you obtain this margin by calling

    Which is another question in itself, are there any plans to change this array location in the future? I can ask another topic about this.

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  • Hello, I am also wondering the best approach to using these new spacing presets with ACF blocks. Does anyone have a solution?

  • Agreed that the status of this would be great to know. There are workarounds to this output of course but it doesn’t seem ideal, and I wouldn’t want future updates to break those workarounds…

  • Wondering the same. This seems to affect all block editor values, such as
    $block['style']['elements']['link']['color']['text'] that now have values like var:preset|color|blue.

  • You can use get_block_wrapper_attributes() in your ACF blocks and it converts these.

  • the last response here is not helpful.

  • Has anyone a proper solution for this ?
    At the moment I use

    $padding_top_string = $block['style']['spacing']['padding']['top'];
    $padding_top_value = (int) substr($padding_top_string, strrpos($padding_top_string, '|') + 1); 

    this seems much to dirty…

  • When I do get_block_wrapper_attributes() it only gets the classes and not the styles. I know styles are being set because I can see values for $block['style']['spacing']['padding']['top']. Any clue why my styles wouldn’t be showing?

  • Commenting here just in case there are others who may need this solution. The function that is most helpful here is wp_style_engine_get_styles. When used in your block rendering script, you can call this function to produce the inline styles needed to render your block correctly.

    I made a little utility function for doing so and generally include it in all of the ACF blocks we’re building. Hope it helps. =)

     * Given an $block object from an ACF block for gutenberg:
     * This will return a string of CSS inline values suitable for
     * inclusion in the block output in PHP.
     * @param  mixed $block
     * @return $style as string
    function acf_blocks_calculate_inline_styles( $block ) {
    	if ( ! empty( $block['style'] ) ) {
    		$style_engine = wp_style_engine_get_styles( $block['style'] );
    		$style        = $style_engine['css'];
    	} else {
    		$style = '';
    	return $style;
    	// echo '<div style="' . $style . '">Block content</div>';
  • SteveRyan’s approach does the trick beautifully.

  • The method to add block support styles in PHP templates is explained in this ACF resource:

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