I have a custom block called ‘featured-content-row’.
I want to pull the content from that block on another page into this page, i/e about page content to home page blocks.
I’ve setup a block called ‘featured-content-row-pull’ where you can choose a pages ID as well as a title element from the block I’m targeting. This is to ensure it doesn’t show all elements of that pages blocks, just the one i want.
It runs fine with the following…
$page_choice = get_field( 'page_choice' );
$page_choice_row_title = get_field( 'page_choice_row_title' );
$post_id = $page_choice ;
$row_title = $page_choice_row_title;
$post = get_post($post_id);
$blocks = parse_blocks($post->post_content);
foreach($blocks as $block){
if( $block['blockName'] == 'acf/featured-content-row' && $block['attrs']['data']['site_row_title'] == $row_title ){
echo render_block($block);
However, i get the following notice…
Notice: Undefined index: id in /local:5757/wp-content/plugins/advanced-custom-fields-pro/pro/blocks.php on line 395
I’m assuming this is because a block is appearing within a block and it doesn’t like the mixing of IDs anything i can do?