When I install the Advanced Custom Fields Plugin and want to activate it in the Backend, it shows an empty page. All pages of my site go blank.
I already emptied the cache.
When I set the wp_debug to true, it doesn’t show any errors..
Would be very glad for any help!
Greetings from Germany 🙂
Would really appreciate any help.
I tried everything!
try this:
1. Change a template folder name. e.g. (mythemefolder to mythemefolder-blah)
2. Go to the administrative view.
3. Activate the plugin.
4. Change back the template folder name.
You installed the latest plugin but it might fail to activate the plugin.
Thanks for your answer!
I will try it today in the night-time, when no users are online.
I think I found out the problem, just tried some hours..
I think the problem is, that the Theme author already integrated ACF inside the theme:
Because in the functions.php it says
include_once( ‘admin/acf/acf.php’ );
include_once( ‘admin/acf/acf-fields.php’ );
He uses it to display the choice for the sidebar.
ACF is in the “admin” folder of the theme..
Is there a way to use ACF in the Backend (Where it is not displayed right now) without deleting everything from ACF in the theme?
I just can’t reach the settings page form the backend…
Yes. If ACF is pre-integrated into the theme, it just gives you a blank white screen. By changing the theme name, it forces WordPress to use the default theme.