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Blank page after activation

  • Hello!

    When I install the Advanced Custom Fields Plugin and want to activate it in the Backend, it shows an empty page. All pages of my site go blank.

    I already emptied the cache.

    When I set the wp_debug to true, it doesn’t show any errors..

    Would be very glad for any help!

    Greetings from Germany 🙂

  • Would really appreciate any help.

    I tried everything!

  • try this:

    1. Change a template folder name. e.g. (mythemefolder to mythemefolder-blah)
    2. Go to the administrative view.
    3. Activate the plugin.
    4. Change back the template folder name.

    You installed the latest plugin but it might fail to activate the plugin.

  • Thanks for your answer!

    I will try it today in the night-time, when no users are online.

    I think I found out the problem, just tried some hours..

    I think the problem is, that the Theme author already integrated ACF inside the theme:

    Because in the functions.php it says

    include_once( ‘admin/acf/acf.php’ );
    include_once( ‘admin/acf/acf-fields.php’ );

    He uses it to display the choice for the sidebar.

    ACF is in the “admin” folder of the theme..

    Is there a way to use ACF in the Backend (Where it is not displayed right now) without deleting everything from ACF in the theme?

    I just can’t reach the settings page form the backend…

  • Yes. If ACF is pre-integrated into the theme, it just gives you a blank white screen. By changing the theme name, it forces WordPress to use the default theme.

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