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Bidirectional relationships between different post types?

  • I looked into these subjects

    thinking they would solve my issue, but I’m not wrapping my head around it I think. Here’s my scenario:

    Home Builder Website

    I have Custom Post Types:
    Floor Plans

    I have these relationships set up:
    Floor Plans
    – Relationship: Filter by post type: Neighborhood

    – Relationship: Filter by post type: Floor Plan

    So when I add that Floor Plan A is available in Neighborhood A, it shows up on the front end in the right place.

    HOWEVER, what I would prefer to happen on the backend is when I add Floor Plan A, and select that it is available in Neighborhood A, when I go to Neighborhood A, it has automatically updated the available floor plans to include Floor Plan A.

    I *thought* maybe the Post2Post plugin would help with that, but it seems to be for integrating the same information on different post types, instead of what I outlined above.

  • So you know how you ask something and then immediately figure it out? LOL… I think my issue was that I wasn’t naming the fields the same (which Post 2 Post requires), but once I did that it seems to be working how I need it to.

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