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how to build menu of restaurant

  • Hello,

    I tried for the first time this plugin to the site of my client who owns a restaurant. I meet some problems to achieve but I know I did not choose the best solution.

    I would like to know what is the best solution to :
    – edit descriptions
    – prices
    – and if possible, add or delete a row (description + price)

    The menu consists of several parts:
    – Starter,
    – Dishes,
    – For children,
    – desserts,
    – classics,
    – others ‘themes’…

    For now, I created a page template with “the_field” that retrieves one by one, all fields however there too and I have reached the limit of ACF I think because 57 fields while j ‘have more!

    Thank you for your suggestions.

  • Use a nested repeater

    So make one repeater with these fields

    [text] - Menu Part (starter, dishes etc)
    [repeater] - Menu Items
        [text] - Dish Title
        [wsywig] - Description
        [text] - Price

    Then they can add a Menu part, and then in each menu part add items to these

  • Thanks @Jamie that is a good answer. 🙂

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