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Best way to keep fields editable

  • Hi all

    I wanted to get people’s thoughts on something.

    I’m currently using ACF 4. I’ve realised that because my laptop died a while ago, I no longer have the local wordpress instance on which I originally created my field groups. I just have the ACF php that I exported, that’s committed in my repo. So the fields all work perfectly, I just can’t modify them in the wordpress admin.

    Under ACF 5, what’s the best way to make sure I always have access to edit the field groups in WP admin?
    Does the json export / sync function mean that’s no longer an issue? Or is it recommended that I take some steps to preserve the machine that has the ‘master’ field group configurations? What do others do to manage this?

    I’d love to hear people’s thoughts on this.



  • With ACF5 it really isn’t necessary to maintain the original WP installation and ACF field group so that you can keep them editable. Using the JSON export and import feature you can save the JSON file and then import this file into any site using ACF5.

    With the local JSON feature of ACF5 ( field groups are automatically saved to this folder when you update a field group. You could setup a repo to hold your ACF field groups and then commit from this folder.

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