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Best practices for interlinked (Relationship) content

  • Hello. We have Conferences as our lead entity type. Each Conference can have Workshops, Talks, Lunches.

    So, our Custom Post Types:

    • Conferences
    • Workshops
    • ..etc..

    We first create each Workshop. Then, inside a Conference, we have a field called “Associated Workshops” which is a “Relationship” field which is filtered only to post type “Workshops”.

    This is easy and elegant. Love ACF for this.

    Now, in the Conference, we don’t only need to associate Workshops, we also need to know a schedule for all the things including those Workshops.

    For this we have two options:

    A. Each Workshop itself can have schedule information. The Conference merely links to Workshops.

    B. The Conference links to Workshops only for the info about the Workshop (name, description etc) but not the schedule. All the Schedule info about the Conference is in fact kept inside Conference as a “repeatable row”. Inside this repeatable row, we can create a field that is limited to the post type “Workshop”.


    1. In Option B above, how can we limit the repeatable rows only to the Workshops that have been associated with *this* current Conference? It currently shows all Workshops in the entire system.

    2. If we go with Option A above, then is it possible to only display the schedule timings from Workshops inside a Conference? The actual info is kept in the Workshops, but in a Conference, when we associate the Workshops, we’d like a view-only display of the times from each Workshop. I suppose this is too much to ask for?

    In essence, I’m trying to see how inter-linked Relationship fields can be sensibly managed in large websites.

    Many thanks for any pointers. There’s nothing in the Docs related to this.

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