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Auto send REVIEW REQUEST email via Cron Job

  • I have created a code to auto send booking emails after a booking status is updated. Depending on the booking status, a certain e-mail text is called. This function works perfectly so feel free to use it 😉

    // Send notification emails to guests
    function yl_send_booking_email_after_status_update($post_id) {
        // Get submitted values.
        $values = $_POST['acf'];
        // Check if a specific value was updated.
        if ( isset($_POST['acf']['field_5fbcef66c1d3f']) ) {
            $send_email     = $_POST['acf']['field_5fbcef66c1dce'];
            $booking_status = $_POST['acf']['field_5fbcef66c1d3f'];
            $to = $_POST['acf']['field_5fbcef66c18b8'];
            if ( $send_email == 'yes' &&  $booking_status != 'gesloten' ) {
                if ( $booking_status == 'bevestigd' ) {
                    $subject = get_field('booking_email_subject_confirmed', 'booking_settings');
                    $message = get_field('booking_email_message_confirmed', 'booking_settings');
                } elseif ( $booking_status == 'gewijzigd' ) {
                    $subject = get_field('booking_email_subject_changed', 'booking_settings');
                    $message = get_field('booking_email_message_changed', 'booking_settings');
                } elseif ( $booking_status == 'geannuleerd' ) {
                    $subject = get_field('booking_email_subject_canceled_by_guest', 'booking_settings');
                    $message = get_field('booking_email_message_canceled_by_guest', 'booking_settings');
                } elseif ( $booking_status == 'door ons geannuleerd' ) {
                    $subject = get_field('booking_email_subject_canceled_by_us', 'booking_settings');
                    $message = get_field('booking_email_message_canceled_by_us', 'booking_settings');
                $headers = array
                    'From: ' . get_bloginfo('name') . ' <' . get_bloginfo('admin_email') . '>',
                    'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(),
                    'MIME-Version: 1.0',
                    'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'
                $headers = implode( "\r\n" , $headers );
                wp_mail( $to, $subject, $message, $headers );
    add_action('acf/save_post', 'yl_send_booking_email_after_status_update', 5);

    Now I want to chanllange myself a bit further. I want to auto send (via cron job) a ‘Review request’ email ‘X hours’ after the booking date/time. But I’m stuck for a while now.

    Emails do get send but only with pre text. The actuall content of the booking (name, date, time, etc) is left blank.

    When I use $post_id in the function, no emails are being send. I hope I made myself a bit clear.

    Here’s what I have:

    // Send review emails to guests
    function yl_send_review_email_function($post_id) {
        // Get submitted values.
        $values = $_POST['acf'];
        $send_email     = $_POST['acf']['field_5fbcef66c1dce'];
        $booking_status = $_POST['acf']['field_5fbcef66c1d3f'];
        $review_delay   = get_field('booking_settings_review_delay', 'booking_settings');
        $to             = '[email protected]';
        $subject = get_field('booking_email_subject_review', 'booking_settings');
        $message = get_field('booking_email_message_review', 'booking_settings') . '<br /><br />' . $send_email . '<br /><br />' . $booking_status . ' dit no ' . $review_delay;
        $headers = array
            'From: ' . get_bloginfo('name') . ' <' . get_bloginfo('admin_email') . '>',
            'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(),
            'MIME-Version: 1.0',
            'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'
        $headers = implode( "\r\n" , $headers );
        wp_mail( $to, $subject, $message, $headers );
        $status = 'gesloten';
        update_field( 'booking_status', $status );
    add_action('acf/save_post', 'yl_send_review_email_function', 5);
    // Time schedule for Cron Job Event
    function yl_cron_schedules($schedules){
            $schedules["1min"] = array(
                'interval' => 1*60,
                'display' => __('Once every minute')
            $schedules["5min"] = array(
                'interval' => 5*60,
                'display' => __('Once every 5 minutes')
            $schedules["30min"] = array(
                'interval' => 30*60,
                'display' => __('Once every 30 minutes')
        return $schedules;
    // Schedule Cron Job Event
      if (!wp_next_scheduled('yl_booking_review_mailer')) {
          //You can now use '5min', '20min' or any of the default here
          wp_schedule_event( time(), '1min', 'yl_booking_review_mailer' );
      add_action( 'yl_booking_review_mailer', 'yl_send_review_email_function' ); 

    PS. I left the needed IF STATEMENTS out to be sure that’s nog stopping emails going out.

  • your problem is that the post is not being submitted and that means that $_POST[‘acf’] will be empty.

    You need to get the values using get_field() instead of looking in $_POST[‘acf’].

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