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Assign classes to repeater divs in iterations of 3

  • Hi I am using a repeater to show slides in a slider and I would like to assign classes on repeat. So if I have 6 slides, their classes would look like so: num1, num2, num3, num1, num2, num3…etc. So only those 3 classes repeating over and over, no matter how many slides I have.

    I have the following code:

    if( have_rows('slide') ): $i = 0; ?>
    while ( have_rows('slide') ) : the_row(); $i++; ?>
    <div class="slide num-<?php echo $i; ?>">
    <p><?php the_sub_field('text1'); ?></p>
    <p><?php the_sub_field('text2'); ?></p>

    This code creates classes for the slides indefinitely, but not 3 repeating classes. Any help appreciated!

  • Here is the solution in case anyone is wondering:

    if( have_rows('slide') ):
        $i = 1;
        while ( have_rows('slide') ) :
            // Check if we've reached our limit, and if so... start again! 
            if ( $i > 3 )
                $i = 1;
            <div class="slide num-<?php echo $i; ?>">
                <p><?php the_sub_field('text1'); ?></p>
                <p><?php the_sub_field('text2'); ?></p>
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