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Allowing custom field for user to fill out on front-end (Dokan)

  • Hi all,

    I’m using a multi-vendor (Dokan), and been customizing it. One thing I want to achieve and been struggling is that I want my custom field for single product to actually appear on the front-end, in one of the Dokan’s seller dashboard form (Edit product section).

    I want my seller to be able to select a brand (my acf field) on the fron-end page.

    Normally when we add a new acf field group, and assign to the archive, the field will appear on the backend.

    I found this to be pretty hard to achieve, especially adding the custom field onto an existing front-end form.

    I have trying to customize it and I finally get the field to appear on the form I want to, but then another problem came up, which is the save button from the original form isn’t clickable anymore.

    Please see screenshot:

    and here is the code I attempted to add into my Dokan’s single-product-new.php:
    <?php acf_form_head(); ?>
    <div class=”dokan-form-group”>
    $product_brand = -1;
    $term = array();
    $term = wp_get_post_terms( $post_id, ‘brand’, array( ‘fields’ => ‘ids’) );

    if ( $term ) {
    $product_brand = reset( $term );
    include_once DOKAN_LIB_DIR.’/class.category-walker.php’;
    include_once DOKAN_LIB_DIR. ‘acf.php’;
    $brand_args = array(
    ‘hierarchical’ => 1,
    ‘hide_empty’ => 0,
    ‘fields’ => array(‘brand’),
    ‘name’ => ‘brand’,
    ‘id’ => ‘brand’,
    ‘taxonomy’ => ‘brand’,
    ‘title_li’ => ”,
    ‘class’ => ‘product_brand dokan-form-control dokan-select2’,
    ‘exclude’ => ”,
    ‘selected’ => $product_brand,
    ‘walker’ => new DokanCategoryWalker( $post_id )

    <div class=”dokan-product-cat-alert dokan-hide”>
    <?php esc_html_e(‘Please choose a brand!’, ‘dokan-lite’ ); ?>

    I know this is wrong, but somehow these code helped me to pull the custom field onto the form I want, and it’s actually saving the field data to the product when you click update.

    Any help will be really appreciated!


  • Hey Luke… would you be able to help me out here?

    Im looking to add a fields to the dokan add product page & show it on product page front end..

    did you have any luck at all?

    all the best

  • You can use this plugin to achieve the custom fields editable in the Vendor dashboard of Dokan:


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