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Allow select2 fields to render HTML again

  • In the most recent update, the following change was made:

    Security Fix – The default render template for select2 fields no longer allows HTML to be rendered resolving a potential XSS issue

    I need to reverse this change as I add HTML into my Select2 fields to improve the functionality of my site. How can I do this please? Is there a way to enable it to only certain HTML elements? (I use a CODE element).


  • I also need this. I display a list of Material Symbols in a select2 field, and since the update they show as raw HTML: <span class="material-symbols-outlined">bakery_dining</span>.

  • This seems to work, we are using it for the admin area only.

    add_action(‘acf/input/admin_footer’, function() {
    if (!is_admin()) {
    acf.add_filter(‘select2_args’, function(args) {
    args.templateSelection = function(selection) {
    var $selection = jQuery(‘<span class=”acf-selection”></span>’);
    $‘element’, selection.element);
    return $selection;
    return args;

  • When updated to:

      acf.add_filter('select2_args', function(args) {
        args.templateSelection = function(selection) {
          var $selection = jQuery('<span class="acf-selection"></span>');
          $'element', selection.element);
          return $selection;
        args.templateResult = function(selection) {
          var $selection = jQuery('<span class="acf-selection"></span>');
          $'element', selection.element);
          return $selection;
        return args;

    I renders both the selected value HTML and the HTML in the search result template (if you have HTML there also – like I have to allow icon selection)

  • Just saw this topic as I stumbled over the same problem in a very old topic.
    Would be great to get this resolved somehow without custom code – it’s needed and improves the UI a lot!

  • I’m also having the same issue. I use it to allow users to pick predefined colours and icons. It was all working up to about a month ago and now I have it broken across literally 50+ websites or more.

  • piotkus solution works perfectly for this, just add it in your custom functions and she’ll be apples.

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