I’ve noticed on pages that load the ACF WYSIWYG field that it’s generating a ton of console errors:
This is probably down to my configuration somehow but I can’t pinpoint what exactly.
They build up when typing and then when scrolling the page it generates hundreds at a time like in the first link above. Eventually there are so many they knock over the server!
Has anybody else experienced this?
After a bit more experimenting it seems to be something to do with the “ACF Content Analysis for Yoast SEO” plugin. It seems to load the admin-ajax.php on every keystroke. After upgrading to the latest WordPress the console errors went away on our site but the admin-ajax file was still being continually polled. There is now an issue about it on the plugin forum: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/admin-ajax-php-loaded-on-every-keystroke/