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Alert When Updating In Gutenberg

  • I posted a bug on the Gutenberg Github and it seems to be related to ACF so I thought I would post it here too. Basically, there is an alert every time I leave a page when an ACF field has been updated. It warns that there are unsaved changes even though the changes actually have been saved. Any ideas?

    Here’s the link to the original post.

  • Which ACF version are you using? This was an issue with beta 1, but it got fixed with beta 2. BTW, currently we are on beta 3.

  • I was on version 2 of the beta, but upgrading to version 3 fixed the issue. Still have to test out creating ACF blocks… Thanks!

  • Is it possible that that in WP 5 + ACF 5.8.0-beta3 the issue is back?

  • Not on my end… at least for this issue, all is fine.

  • Well, I did some more tests and there is something going on here…

    Steps to reproduce:
    – Fresh install WordPress 5.0.1
    – Add plugin ACF 5.8.0-beta3
    – Create field group with test field
    – New post: type some title and some post content. Type something in test field.
    – Save as draft.
    – Leave the page.
    – The alert comes up.

    If the post is published and updated all fine. The alert comes up when the post status is draft.

  • Actually as a coincidence, it happened to me today, but the culprit was a function from my theme. My homemade theme has a script that displays the page load time, and amount of RAM WordPress consumes, and this displays at the bottom of the footer, both on the front end and back end. While this function was turned on from the Customizer, Gutenberg refuses to save (publish) posts/pages, not even in any mode (publish, draft or preview). Turning it off, everything works fine.

    Therefore, since you don’t have any other plugins installed (besides ACF Pro), try changing the theme, to one of the default ones maybe, and see if that fixes your issue. If not, the only advice I can give you, is to save your permalinks again (just in case, although I don’t think this is relevant here), and clear your browser cache, just in case there is some script from the cache causing this error.

    Good luck. BTW, my testing environments:

    1. Xampp WP 5.0.1 with bunch of plugins, ACF made blocks, on Windows 7 Pro machine, with 4GB RAM, 128MB available for WordPress, php 7.2

    2. Godaddy Shared Hosting – php 5.6, and I want to believe 64MB RAM (I can be wrong for the RAM!).

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