I have an issue, I try to save the front-end form with ajax, my code is working but only with ‘input’ fields and I don´t know how do It with the checkbox fields. Do you know how I can include It?
Js file:
function AjaxSubmit() {
$('form#modalAjaxTrying :submit').click(function(event){
var form_data = {'action' : 'acf/validate_save_post'};
$('form#modalAjaxTrying :input').each(function(){
form_data[$(this).attr('name')] = $(this).val()
form_data.action = 'save_my_data';
jQuery.post(ajaxurl, form_data)
alert('Added successFully :');
add_action( 'wp_ajax_save_my_data', 'acf_form_head' );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_save_my_data', 'acf_form_head' );
Here the solution. I see the solution in other question from that foro.
Js file:
function AjaxSubmit() {
// initialize the acf script
acf.do_action('ready', $('body'));
// will be used to check if a form submit is for validation or for saving
let isValidating = false;
acf.add_action('validation_begin', () => {
isValidating = true;
acf.add_action('submit', ($form) => {
isValidating = false;
$('.acf-form').on('submit', (e) => {
let $form = $(e.target);
// if we are not validating, save the form data with our custom code.
if( !isValidating ) {
// lock the form
acf.validation.toggle( $form, 'lock' );
url: window.location.href,
method: 'post',
data: $form.serialize(),
success: () => {
// unlock the form
acf.validation.toggle( $form, 'unlock' );